First was to sort out the connections to the Horn. This in combination with a new set of wiper/indicator stalks has now resulted in a working horn and also working windscreen wipers.
cleaned up the engine under the air box as it was a bit filthy from a previous oil leak
I also set to work on the coolant bottle which was bothering me. It was so filthy that it was impossible to see the level of the coolant.
Years worth of crud had built up on the inside of the bottle so a quick search on the web suggested that denture cleaning tablets should sort it out. I chucked a few tablets in, filled with hot water and left it for a few hours and ended up with not much change to be honest. Next step was to chuck a dishwasher tablet in with the denture cleaner and also a bit of bleach for good measure. Again not a lot happened from that but it was improving slightly so I was given the suggestion of putting uncooked rice in and shake the whole thing about and oddly enough this did the trick! The rice was acting as an abrasive and removing the crud that had been softened by the previous treatment and left me with the following.

Not quite as good as a new bottle but much much cheaper.